Mattson Communication Training Books and Coach Cards

Harnessing Your Fear of Public Speaking Book

Harnessing Your Fear of Public Speaking
54 Pages | $19.95

English as Second Language (ESL) Edition
58 Pages | $19.95

Finally, it’s here. A book written specifically for students and novice public speakers dedicated to the number one fear of Americans: The fear of public speaking.

“18 specific strategies that speakers can use—many immediately—to manage that fear.”

We developed Harnessing Your Fear of Public Speaking and Harnessing Your Fear of Public Speaking ESL Edition because as a teacher and workshop leader, Rod Mattson could not find a concise—user friendly— resource for his Speech students and Workshop participants, that focused on the reasons we have the fear and specific strategies for managing it.

Hundreds or even thousands of books say they are about the fear and some even have the words “fear of public speaking” in the title; however, most are over 250 pages costing too much time and money reading the whole book for one speech. The rest of these books are written in technical language that is difficult to understand and difficult to read by the beginning speaker.

Harnessing Your Fear of Public Speaking and the ESL Edition take less than 45 minutes to read and contain 18 specific strategies that speakers can use—many immediately—to manage that fear.

Countdown to Public Speaking

Countdown to Public Speaking
20 Pages | $4.99

Countdown to Public Speaking is a useful tool specifically developed for the novice speaker. Many experienced speakers have found it useful too as it re-enforces things they already practice; additionally, it also reminds them of the good tips they forgot over time.

It is especially useful when you only have a short time until your presentation. It is full of speaking principles and tips with space to write and organize your ideas when they pop into your mind during the preparation process.

You do not have to wade through the time consuming sales hype of websites or 300 page books to find helpful information. It is all right here in a small book that takes less than 10 minutes to read and is small enough to keep with you at all times for instant reference or note taking when you need it.

This Mattson Countdown is designed to help you prepare and deliver a speech while managing the fear of public speaking.

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Mattson 10 Minute Coach Cards

Would anyone like to say a few words?
What do you do now?

Mattson 10 Minute Coach Cards are a fantastic addition to a traditional card that will personalize your message about how much special people mean to you in a very specific way.

(more details…)

Mattson Birthday Milestones Card

Speaking at Birthday Milestones
4 Pages | $3.99

Mattson Weddings Card

Speaking at Weddings
4 Pages | $3.99

Mattson Anniversary Celebrations Card

Speaking at Anniversaries
4 Pages | $3.99

Mattson Funerals Card

Speaking at Funerals
4 Pages | $3.99

These Mattson workbooks on how to prepare and give a toast are written by a professional speechwriter with the assumption the toaster has no training in speeches or toasts.

The book leads you through 5 steps in workbook format and you can then transfer information to the inside cover pages for your speaking notes.

How to write, practice, deliver, and manage nerves are in these booklets.

After the reception you can give your notes to the Bride and she can put these photo sized notes into the wedding album— or scan them for electronic albums.

The price of these books pales in comparison to the rich memories when the wedding album is viewed in future years.

Imagine this: looking at the photo album and seeing these notes, you can reflect on the wedding day.

Bride: My Dad made me feel so very special that day.

Groom: I was so happy to hear what Joe had to say in that toast. It was so well thought out and right on.

Maid of Honor: I am so glad I didn't break down crying and get to tell Shannon how I really felt.

Father of the Bride: Thank goodness for that book, I knew what I wanted to say, but I was so worried about being too emotional and making everyone feel uncomfortable. I was happy to express what your wedding day meant to me and exactly how I felt.

Don't delay, order these fabulous toasts booklets today and get the toasters (or yourself) started on preparing great toasts that will capture the happiness of the special day and leave great memories for a lifetime.


The message in a traditional card will be forgotten soon (although the sentiment will be mostly remembered); however, the specific message you write will be remembered for a lifetime. You and the recipient(s) will be glad you took this extra and meaningful step.

After you construct your “unscripted speech” you can remove the instructions, in the center of the card, and give the card, with your talk written on the inside cover, to the person or family for fond memories of your talk.

Special Note: If you didn’t or don’t have the opportunity to speak, or you still couldn’t bring yourself to speak up in front of everyone, you can still remove the instructions, in the middle of the card, and give the card, with your written talk on the inside cover, to the person or family, and they can still have a written record for future memories.

In less than 10 minutes, these cards will teach you to courageously step-up and say something by knowing what to say and how to say it.

Each is a step-by-step blueprint to write out what to say and how to say it if someone at the ceremony asks people in attendance to say a few words.

Instead of having your stomach turn making you look away because that is the last thing you want to do, you can step up and set a positive example by saying a few articulate words in less than 90 seconds.
